Kitten's Crusades

Merry Christmas 2022

Spoilt Kitty

Merry Christmas 2022
I’m so sorry to say peeps that our online orders are now closed for Christmas due to all the massive delays we are experiencing with Royal Mail. Please please know that we’re doing everything we can to get all your lovely goodies and gifts out to you for Christmas, but the postal delays are totally out of our control.

New links must be forged as old ones rust

Spoilt Kitty

New links must be forged as old ones rust

This is a famous quote from Jane Howard, a famous American Journalist.  And this is as true as it gets.  Even as old friendships and alliances age, we must never fail to forge new ones.  We all need to build networks.   Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.   We have grown to where we are today with the help of customers, friends, family and last but not least, fellow traders.  As we tour the country up and down, we...

Time for a re-vamp

Spoilt Kitty

Time for a long awaited update

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Discounts

Spoilt Kitty

Tags Black Friday, blog, Cyber Monday, Discount, news, Store news

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Discounts
Black Friday / Cyber Monday 15% discount.

Covid-19 Update

Spoilt Kitty

Tags covid, staff update, Store news, update

Covid-19 Update
Covid-19 Update.  We are still here and busy crafting.
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